How to Protect Your Mobile From Hackers
How to Protect Yourself from Mobile Hack: Hello friends and welcome to this blog,
today we will tell you 5 ways with which you can save your phone from being hacked.
Friends, nowadays you do all your work from the phone, such as Online Banking, Internet Surf and social media and much more.
But do you know, if your phone is hacked, then the Hacker can control all these things, and all your data and all accounts, information goes into the fraud,
Therefore, today I will tell you 5 ways, so that you can prevent your phone from being hacked for a long time, and can secure your data, accounts.
So let's know which are 5 ways that you can save your phone from being hacked.
How to Protect Your Mobile From Hackers
(1) 3rd Part Apps or Mod Apk:
Friends, your phone can be hacked easily with 3rd Part Apps & Mod Apk, so you should never download software or apps from mod apk or 3rd party.
What is Mod Apk ?
Mod Application ( Mod) means Modify (Edit) and all its Premium Features are given in Free.
We understand this with the example.
Suppose you have to do video editing, so you downloaded kinemaster Apk from your Play Store, and you started editing your video ,
But almost all applications have some features which are Paid, that is, if you buy the Pro Version (Premium version) of that application, then only you can use those features.
So that's why people make Mod Apk. All the premium features are available for free in Mod Apk , meaning that the features you were getting by paying in Real Apk (original apk), you get them completely free in Mod Apk?
So sometimes download only from play store or other trusted apk downloading platforms .
(2) Apps Permissions:
When you download the app from any source from the play store, when you start the app for the first time, you get an option of permisions.
Where you ask for your Permissions from your storage, location, contacts and lots,
And if you allow Permissions , you can see your data,
So whenever you download the app, check everything and allow Permissions .
(3) Phone Root:
Friends, there are many applications that do not run in the phone without Root, so many people root their phone due to these apps,
Which increases the risk of your phone being hacked , so never access the root in your phone,
(4) Antivirus :
Friends, antivirus is an app that must be in every smartphone user's phone,
Antivirus is an app that notifies you by scanning the virus, so download a good Antivirus in your phone.
(5) Span Links & Spam E-mails:
Do you know, hackers are so smart, you can hack your phone by just sending a link or a mail, let me understand how,
Friends send Hacker spam links and Spam Emails to your phone,
And as soon as you click that link, Virus (payload) is downloaded to your phone, and as soon as the virus is downloaded, your phone's control goes to the hacker, that is, your phone is hacked.
So never click Spam Links and Spam Mails,
So friends, these were the 5 ways that you can save your phone from being hacked,
And now I tell you some more extra things, which will also prevent you from getting your mobile hack
Public Wifi:
Friends, never connect public wifi and do transactions in your phone, because hacker from very evil attack you by connecting you to fake wifi and access all your data,
Use Secure Passwords:
Many people also keep 12345678 password, which is just a few seconds to hack,
You should always keep a password that should contain characters, numbers, symbols, such as ABCD @ # 256.
If you use a lot of Secure Passwords then it is very difficult for Hackers to hack you.